Cyclical living - days 1 to 7

Woman laid in bed with a cup of coffee and a book. The words "cyclical living - days 1 to 7" are overlaid digitally

And how it wholeheartedly aligns with my life and business (and could with you). 

It's also absolutely true that whilst the following patterns or observations will feel familiar to many women, others won't relate to these themes at these times. What is true for everyone, however, is that the more consistently you track (and the more you choose to value this process) the huge amount you, your body and your business will thrive. 

Days 1-7 (approximately - when many of us have our period and when the new moon starts)

Your body

YOU NEED TO REST! Your hormones have dipped and you are probably bleeding - so you need early night, hot drinks, nourishing foods, softness (think hygge). I like to move my body with lots of gentle gardening at this time - nourishing my mind and my body!

Your mind

Here's your reminder again - YOU NEED TO REST! You might initially feel real resistance to doing, well anything, and totally introverted, and that is fine. If you can build in rest throughout your cycle this should help you feel less raw at this time. But don't be afraid of embracing some quiet! This is the time when I LOVE to journal - I find so many beautiful ideas come to the surface - it's a bit like the Subtle Knife (if you've read that Pullman book) - it's like there are all these shimmering ideas just out of reach that I can see - the gaps between my conscious and subconscious thoughts seem smaller...

Your business

I'm not going to pretend you can stop working for a week plus every month - rather focus on easy-to-complete tasks, reflection and things that require little effort or visibility from you. Now is not the time for big decisions; rather you can allow yourself to pause, to journal and to renew your energy levels. There could be some real "a ha" moments here!

Resting isn't just for days 1-7 - it's so important to find time to rest at all points in your cycle, as frankly:

  • you're then able to function better the whole time,

  • rest is a right not a privilege

  • it will help you deal with the hormonal lows of days 1-7 (approximately).

Cycle tracking is one part of the ethos and overall methodology I have for approaching my own life and working with clients, alongside systems that work and working with a creative/multi passionate mindset or approach. It needs to work alongside robust systems in business, but when it does the combination is potent.

Do you track your cycle, or align your business with your cycle? Let me know in the comments below.

With love,

Laura x

If you enjoyed reading this blog post, here’s a few more that you may find useful for your creative small business:

  1. Enhancing coaching, mentoring and teaching with effective strategies

  2. Navigating through the noise: finding your own path

  3. Boosting your business impetus when things slow down


New moon energy


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